According to the scholars of that time, in Greek mythology the muses are goddesses of the various arts, such as music, dance and poetry. Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosine, they were the most important inspirers there were, inspiring music, love, art, science, poetry, etc. and they manifested themselves as whispers in the oldos of those who invoked them.

At first they had an indeterminate number but it was Hesiod, God of fertility, who finally determined nine unique muses for all Greece and who gave them the name by which they would be publicly recognized throughout the Greek empire: Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polymnia, Thalia, Terpsichore and Urania. Endowed with marvelous artistic talents, they also possess great beauty, grace and charm. Their gifts of song, dance and joy helped the gods and mankind to forget their troubles and inspired musicians and writers to reach ever greater artistic and intellectual heights.

Although Greek mythology speaks publicly of the 9 muses, there are a number of ancient and hidden writings that date the existence of a tenth muse, Bureva. A muse so powerful and beautiful that she had the gifts of all her sisters and exerted greater influence and inspiration than all of them combined. Yet few gods in Olympia knew of her existence. Her power was so far-reaching that it was feared what effect her inspiration might have if it fell into the wrong hands.

Hesiod knew of this and decided to make her existence one of Olympus’ best kept secrets, Summoning Bureva was not as simple as it was with her sisters. It required a secret ritual that is said to have been passed down from master to master throughout history, finding its influence on important artists in history such as Socrates, Plato, Davinci, Kandinsky and Picasso.

Bureva not only provided inspiration to the artist who invoked her, but the scriptures say that she embodied the very body of her master, taking control of his faculties and propelling him to create pieces of art never seen before.

It is believed that the ritual to invoke Bureva has been lost in modern history and with it, the possibility of bringing her back from Olympus. However, from time to time certain works of art, symphonies, paintings or poems come to light that lead experts to believe that Bureva still comes down to Earth and does her thing.

Bureva Art Gallery & Social Lounge is a space that pays tribute to the tenth muse: exhibiting only the best art exhibitions of the moment.